Biggest opportunity of 2024

The AI backed Token $INVEST
AI Investment Treasury and DAO

Invest in the best AI projects with InvestAI and have your say on the future of AI using the $INVEST Token.

Don't miss your chance

Invest in the best AI Technology projects

We are DOXXED, KYC project with a team who spend their time researching and investing in the DeFi space.

Community driven

Research, debate and agree as a DAO


Working with successful AI Projects

Whitepaper Importance of $INVEST

InvestAI Ecosystem


AI tech is already exploding and some would say may already be to some extent out of control. #InvestAI aims to become the leading investment fund into AI in the DeFi space and also the governing mechanism within the space and empower its holders and partners through 'human-in-the-loop' verification.

Holding our token not only provides voting rights in the DAO but builds in rewards as our treasury wallet builds, we buy back the InvestAI token raising the floor and strengthening the project for all.



4% Team
10% Partnerships

5% Buy/Sell Tax

50M Total Supply

$0.001 Anticipated initial launch price


Investment Treasury

Working to find the very best and trusted teams in the DeFi space leads to our project building a powerful treasury. Voting on holdings and distributions will be carried out through our foundation (DAO).


InvestAI Members

The $INVEST Token is the core membership and voting requirement for the Invest AI & AI Control Technology DAO

Our members have oversight of the treasury wallet and its holdings, with DAO voting on further investments.


Marketing Buyback

The InvestAI DAO controls the marketing spend as well as buyback of the $INVEST token. It is important that we continue to provide a solid floor and growth for the future.

Invest in $INVEST Join the community

InvestAI Team


Core Team


Core Team


Core Team



